Promoting Community Service and Philanthropy in Ouray County since 1897.

THANK YOU for agreeing to make chili for this important community building event, the Woman’s Club of Ouray County
1st Annual Smackdown Chili Cook-Off. The event is during Oktoberfest, September 30, 2023 at Fellin Park.
We are asking each contestant to respond with an email confirmation to Jen Brock at that you read the guidelines below and are in agreement to participate. Once each contestant has agreed, we can begin to promote your participation in our posters, social media and advertising. We encourage you to respond quickly so we can start the promotion. Please send me the logo you would like to use.
We will select three winners - Best Chili, People’s Choice and Top Fundraiser.
Winners get a trophy, bragging rights and picture in the Plaindealer.
Participants to date (as of August 23, 2023) include:
Nic Weber - The Western Hotel & Spa
Andy Carrie - Burning Ass Trading Company
Bombie Martinez - Elk’s Lodge #492
Jeff Wood - Ouray Police Chief
Kim Mitchell - Ouray EMT
Tammee Tuttle - True Grit Cafe'
Michelle Poirier, and Jackie Genuit - The Blue Pear and Twig and Feather
Page Sackman - AGO Gallery and San Juan Pottery
Shelly Kuhlman - Ouray County Sheriff’s Office
Mark and Louise Rozich - Ouray Ice House Coffee Shop
Anson Van Cleave - Ouray Brewery
Cory B. Sargent - Brickhouse 737
Thank you and good luck!
Contestent Guidelines
Chili and Timing
- Contestant must provide email confirmation of participation
- Chili should look good, smell good, and taste good
- Judging criteria is appearance, aroma, consistency, taste, aftertaste
- Judges decision is final
- Chili can include any kind of meat or no meat at all
- Chili can include beans or not
- Contestants must provide at least one gallon of chili (128 ounces)
- Chili temperature must be maintained at 165 degree F.
- It is highly recommended that each contestant makes their chili in
the park adding to the overall anticipation and excitement of the
event. However, because this is our first year, we will allow
chili contestants to bring their pre-cooked chili, as long as they
actually made the chili.
- Contestants are responsible for providing all cooking utensils and
cooking equipment and heating source (propane preferred.)
- Contestants must post chili ingredients on their table (allergy
- Noon - setup can begin in Fellin Park, September 30th
- 3:00 - judging for best chili begins (great time for friends to arrive)
- 3:20/3:30 - chili booths are open to the general public
- 5:00 the chili cook-off sale ends (allow crowd to finish sampling)
- 5:15 WCOC member will count tip jars and people’s choice tickets
- 5:30 the winners are publicly announced and photos taken
- 5:30 winners must be present to receive trophy and get their picture
taken for the Plaindealer
- 6:00 WCOC members will begin to sell Frito Chili Pies with leftover
chili (if there is any leftovers)
- 7:00 Oktoberfest closes
Code of Conduct
- Smackdown talk is expected before, during and after the event
- Personal Fundraising Contestant Challenges are encouraged
- Contestants must have a team name and/or theme
- Dressing up is encouraged. It is Oktoberfest after all.
- Decorating chili team table is encouraged
- Over-the-top promotion of your organization/business is encouraged
- Inviting all your friends/colleagues is expected and appreciated.
- We encourage you to have a party that encourages ticket sales
between 3:00-5:30. Your friends will vote for you, right?
- Contestants are encouraged to fill their tip jar. You could win the Top
Fundraiser trophy. All tips go to Ouray County, 501(c) 3 non-profits.
- Contestants are encouraged to be friendly and entertaining as they
proactively ask for tips
- Contestants may not give the chili away, we are counting on the
sale of a full gallon of chili to recoup expenses which includes
advertising, trophies, paper products, etc.
Serving Chili
- Chili Servers must mark through the appropriate contestant table
number on each wrist band holder as they serve chili in 2oz
- A new cup should be used with each serving.
- Wrist band holders cannot go to the same booth twice.
General Information:
- All proceeds go to Ouray County non-profits (501c3)
- Woman’s Club will provide 6 foot table for each contestant,
3 ounce hot cups, mini spoons, napkins, wrist bands, tickets,
winner trophies, markers, trash cans, trash can bags, huckster
permit, advertising and tip jar for each chili maker.
- Woman’s Club will coordinate all chili purchasing logistics,
counting votes and public announcements
- Contestants can bring their own pop-up tent and chairs if desired
- Sponsors of Oktoberfest and WCOC will have beverages available
for purchase.
- Stop by the WCOC Membership Booth and let us know if you would
like to participate in 2024. We’ll have a signup sheet.
Or, indicate your interest using the link below
Thank you and good luck!
Woman’s Club of Ouray County